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PROJECTS 2016-17

A wide range of projects this season, from a fish farm to a pickup truck. And of course, a few playgrounds.

Playground at Nampramung


This tank stores water from a nearby spring. Along with the new filter system, it provides safe and reliable water supply for the school. And they got a new flagpole too!

Playground at Manaetruang


Even though the muddy slope provided its own play opportunities, it's now a set of concrete bleachers. They're in constant use for daily roll-call, frequent ceremonies, and of course, watching the activity on the field below.

Playground at Najalong


The students now tend a fish farm which supplies the cafeteria with fresh fish. And the fish waste is used to fertilize the adjoining vegetable garden. Pretty cool!

Just kids having fun


Another playground! And as usual, this one was mobbed by the kids. CTH bought the play equipment and the village volunteered all the labor to level, surface, install the equipment and safely enclose the area.


Yep, another playground, and another mob of kids. This village really contributes to making these projects happen. Not only do they contribute the labor, but also manage to get donations of concrete and steel from local businesses - really leveraging the monetary support from Care to Help.

Just kids having fun


The kids no longer have to eat their lunches at their desks. Now they have a new cafeteria building that also serves as a gathering space for events and performances.


Each year CTH pays the salary of one of the village school teachers. This year we also bought a pickup truck to transport the older students once they enter 5th grade which is located outside the village.

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